Insights Overview

Red squares pattern
Rapid Security Assessment to Improve Bank’s Infrastructure and Optimize Vulnerability Management Processes
Rapid Security Assessment to Improve Bank’s Infrastructure and Optimize Vulnerability Management Processes

A large banking institution with over 50 branches on the east cost, contacted Neovera to assess their current security architecture. They sought to increase their security posture by optimizing vulnerability and patch management processes.

Oracle Cloud Migration
Oracle Cloud Migration

Providing royalty solutions for sound recordings and publishing, this company collects and distributes digital performance royalties on behalf of recording artists’ and master rights owners’ accounts. Their production database generates royalty payments on a monthly, quarterly, and yearly schedule employing multiple workflows from multiple data streams. Utilizing custom in-house processes, they had cloned their database environment into QA and development environments, with different Oracle Business Intelligence configurations for reporting and statement generation.

Vistaprint Gets Out of the Data Center Business with Seamless Migration and Management of Oracle Databases in AWS
Vistaprint Gets Out of the Data Center Business with Seamless Migration and Management of Oracle Databases in AWS

In an age of cloud and ubiquitous mobile access, few CIOs see the benefit of owning and operating their own data centers. Vistaprint was one such organization who made the decision to “get out of the data center business”. For many years, Vistaprint had maintained an on-premises data center in Canada that housed business-critical Oracle database servers. With terabytes of data to migrate, disruption wasn’t an option.

Azure Cloud Security with Neovera and Microsoft Sentinel
Azure Cloud Security with Neovera and Microsoft Sentinel

This multi-national product information management (PIM) company helps global Fortune 500 retailers, manufacturers, and distributors turn chaotic mounds of data into accurate, managed, personalized information. The company’s PIM application was being hosted at their client locations. To meet the evolving needs of these clients and increase their own security and compliance standards, they wanted to move to a public cloud solution.