Sony Implements Two Factor Authentication

April 22, 2016
Neovera Team

Sony Implements Two Factor Authentication

According to TechCrunch, Sony announced recently that two factor authentication will be available on its PlayStation network (though, to be clear, a timeline has not been released), creating a greater security presence for users around the world.

The corporation was most recently in the news for a security breach at Sony Pictures Entertainment back in 2014. Hackers released an embarrassing – in more ways than one – amount of email correspondence and other sensitive information to the chagrin of those employed at the company. And in 2011, a major breach occurred in Sony’s PlayStation network wherein the personal details of millions of users were stolen. While Sony defended themselves by saying sensitive payment and contact information was not used maliciously, the backlash was swift and continuous. It should be noted that the attack came to fruition through a lack of timely software and security updates on Sony’s part.

Plenty of other companies in the gaming world, Microsoft’s Xbox for one, added two factor authentication years ago; from financial institutions and beyond, it’s become second nature to have a code texted to your phone or answer a series of additional security questions. For those browsing the web who want that additional peace of mind, a website called actually cataloged whether sites employ two factor authentication.

Beyond the obvious reactions to news like this – a confused, “They didn’t have it already?” is up there – it begs the bigger question: how long before all websites employ two factor authentication, and in what form? Even further down the road, when will this added security become obsolete? In the short term, simple steps can be taken – if your company deals with sensitive data input, consider two factor authentication within your cyber security plan. Not only will it give your customers peace of mind, but your brand will be safe as well.