External Penetration Test

Simple network scanning is no longer enough in the face of today's evolving threats. Bad actors are finding more innovative ways to gain access to internal systems. As a result, you need external penetration testing to evaluate your financial institution's defenses, harden your overall security posture, and adjust strategies to prevent a breach.

Red squares

Our External Pen Testing Services

We have an experienced team to evaluate your institutional readiness to respond to modern cyberattack approaches. Our professionals use the latest external techniques and methodology to challenge your team’s threat detection and response controls. Experts conduct a real-world cyberattack simulation without the stress and liability of an actual attack.

In our penetration testing, we use a black-box approach – our security experts receive no advanced knowledge about your infrastructure. This dynamic and authentic testing form allows us to demonstrate step-by-step how someone without internal knowledge could access and exploit your systems.

Monitoring web applications for vulnerabilities is a crucial part of maintaining a secure infrastructure. Regular testing, such as an Internal Penetration Test, helps identify weaknesses that could be exploited by attackers. Coupled with robust SIEM solutions, these tests can enhance your ability to detect, respond to, and mitigate potential threats effectively.

We’ll also use various targets and techniques commonly employed by cybercriminals, including:

  • Phishing.
  • Phone calls, or “vishing”.
  • Password spray or brute-force attacks.
  • SQL Injection.
  • Cross-site scripting.

Penetration testing complements your other InfoSec evaluations, like internal and external vulnerability and social engineering assessments. You can use these assessments for greater visibility into how your defense will hold up to a sustained attack.

Our External Pen Testing Services

Why Choose Neovera for External Network Penetration Testing

Financial institutions throughout the country trust Neovera for penetration testing because of our:

  • Skill: Our certified penetration testing experts know how to test security controls using the same methods a hacker would utilize.
  • Specialization: We understand financial institutions’ unique threat landscapes. Our penetration testing simulates a cyberattack and allows you to exercise your Blue Team (defenders) against real-world tactics. We also have purple team exercises, which are when our Red team and your Blue team work together to improve your cybersecurity.
  • Speed: We know any vulnerabilities our engineers identify are time sensitive. This is why we ensure your report and detailed recommendations are in your hands quickly to give you time to begin vital remediation work.
Why Choose Neovera for External Network Penetration Testing

The Neovera Difference


We specialize in testing the critical, sensitive infrastructures of financial institutions.


Our proprietary tools capture and review key data in a fraction of the time.


Our experience with the critical and sensitive infrastructures of financial institutions and other clients gives us the unique knowledge necessary to safely and efficiently maneuver in these environments.


We have both Red Team (attacker) and Blue Team (defender) experience, allowing for a more thorough evaluation and more meaningful results.