What are the Cybersecurity Trends in 2024?

February 1, 2024
Neovera Team

What are the Cybersecurity Trends in 2024?

To get a clearer picture and make accurate predictions, it is necessary to start in 2023, which was an important year for technological development. Generative artificial intelligence has disrupted the lives in several areas, of millions of people around the world.  For these reasons, the cybersecurity monitoring of all large companies will focus on AI. What we’ve been witnessing, and will continue to see more of, is a reminder that that regular penetration and vulnerability testing is a crucial part of cybersecurity today. With this in mind, let us see what are the 7 cybersecurity trends of this year.

Advanced Deepfakes

In 2024, deepfakes will use increasingly sophisticated technologies and processes and enhance social engineering attacks. For these reasons, cognitive security is crucial to prevent cyber attacks that can manipulate human perception. To protect against these attacks, non-technical approaches will also be applied to make people more prepared and less vulnerable to manipulation.

One must also consider the impact that Large Langue Models (LLM) will have. These are deep-learning models of considerable volume, pre-trained on large amounts of data. They could be used by cyber scammers to create grammatically accurate, tailor-made messages to deceive companies.Malicious attackers could access private information and personal data using these systems. Prompt engineers have repeatedly stated that they are developing techniques that will not allow LLM to become dangerous.

We expect, however, that in 2024 engineers will be able to crack the codes and use these systems for their purposes.

Dramatic increase in MSPs

According to research by Cybersecurity Ventures, cybersecurity job vacancies have increased by 350% in just eight years, from 2013 to 2021. Right now, there are over 3.5 million applications in this sector. This suggests that there will be a dramatic increase in companies turning to MSPs. These managed service providers take over the burden of the smooth running of IT activities on behalf of the companies, allowing them to concentrate on their core activities and business development.This may be a key factor for many companies because, at a time when cybercrime threats are increasing, an MSP can provide advanced enterprise cybersecurity services to better protect companies.

MSPs, too, will have to automate part of their processes using AI to support this high demand for their services.

Cybersecurity Trends 2024 – Zero Trust model

The Zero Trust model is a network protection strategy based on the concept that access to a company’s workloads or IT systems by persons or devices, whether internal or external to the company network, should only be allowed when deemed expressly necessary. Thus, companies using this model apply multiple layers of protection. It is expected that this model will also be used in 2024.

Is online privacy in danger?

Digitization is spreading to every sector, requiring preventive measures. The NIS2 directive that will be implemented in Europe provides for increased security requirements to ensure the protection of personal data online.  In 2024 at the European level, the Data Act and the Cyber Resilience Act will certainly have a significant impact. The Cyber Resilience Act could lead to the introduction of mandatory security measures for digital products placed on the market.

Attention to health security

Even in the health sector, technological devices have been increasingly used in recent years. There can be data security risks, in addition to the best-known ones such as Urgent/11 or Ripple20 there are other more mundane ones. One example would be to leave the passwords of the default settings unchanged, which could make it easy for attackers to access the devices.

Cybersecurity Trends 2024 – Cyberwarfare

Cyberwar has the potential to create damage to the governmental structures of attacked states and disrupt their actions. We expect that even in 2024, due to various wars around the world, there could be ransomware and governmental phishing attacks for disruption.

Internal attacks on organizations

All corporate and healthcare organizations must train their staff to prevent them from falling victim to attacks by malicious attackers. These organizations are highly susceptible to cybercriminal activity and front-line employees need to be aware of the various ways they could fall victim.

Looking at the current landscape, and with this the 2024 outlook coming into view, companies should be implementing continuous vulnerability scanning and management. Neovera, can help you develop the right management program to protect against cybersecurity threats. Contact us to learn more about our cyber security managed services, pen testing and vulnerability scanning solutions that are front lines defenses that help to mitigate risk and prevent critical data breaches.