Our Deposit Auditing Services
Our Compliance professionals use their expertise with compliance audit requirements to identify and reduce known risks in your institution’s consumer deposit programs and products. Our process begins with a discovery meeting, where we identify the types of deposit programs offered by your financial institution and ascertain the types of challenges your organization may be facing. From there, we establish a time frame best suited for your schedule and define your specific needs.
Then, we’ll conduct a thorough review of your operations to determine your compliance with:
- Regulation D, specifically the Reserve Requirements for Depository Institutions Act.
- Regulation CC, also known as the Expedited Funds Availability Act.
- Regulation DD, the Truth-in-Savings Act.
- Regulation E, the Electronic Funds Transfer Act.
Once completed, our written report provides individual risk scores for each identified exception and summarizes your institution’s overall deposit compliance risk. We use a report format that is easy to read and interpret plus helps you prioritize remediation efforts.