The Impact of Cloud Computing on Identity Access Management

October 7, 2024
Neovera Team

The Impact of Cloud Computing on Identity Access Management

As more evolved and intricate cybercrimes against healthcare and financial industries are revealed, security is at the forefront of IT departments’ minds. The “cloud computing era,” in which we live, affords numerous innovations, including Identity and Access Management (IAM), a cornerstone of modern cybersecurity that manages digital identities and user access to data, systems, and resources.

In this article, we’ll explore the journey of the fictional entity FinSecure Bank, as it navigates the challenges and reaps the benefits of cloud-based IAM, guided by best practices and IAM expertise. To highlight the “why” and “how” of IAM transformation in highly regulated sectors.

FinSecure Bank: An Example of a Financial Institution at a Crossroads

Let’s take a look at FinSecure Bank, a mid-sized financial institution, riding the wave of digital transformation, much like most competitors in the market. Mobile banking was booming, and customer expectations were skyrocketing. But beneath the surface, FinSecure grappled with a critical issue: their legacy Identity and Access Management (IAM) system was buckling under pressure.

Their old IAM system was holding them back; it couldn’t keep pace with the rapidly growing customer base. Every new account meant more strain on the system. Compliance with regulations like the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA), and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was becoming a nightmare, with audits taking weeks instead of days. And let’s not even talk about the security vulnerabilities that kept the CISO up at night. The wake-up call came when a minor security breach exposed customer data. It wasn’t catastrophic, but it was enough. FinSecure knew they needed a change and fast.

The Path to Cloud-Based IAM: FinSecure’s Journey Begins

Cloud-based IAM became FinSecure’s beacon of hope – it offered scalability and enhanced security. With an opportunity to grow with the financial institution, adapting to their needs without the constant hardware upgrades, it also offered cutting-edge security features that their on-premise solution could not provide. Delving into FinSecure’s operations, assessing risks and mapping out a transition that wouldn’t disrupt day-to-day operations, the business was able to reevaluate how cybersecurity looked in their individual organization and how it would impact long-term productivity.

Navigating the Transition: FinSecure’s Hybrid IAM Solution

Why did a hybrid approach make sense for FinSecure? It allowed them to dip their toes in the cloud while keeping critical systems on-premise. This wasn’t a one-size-fits-all solution; it had to be tailored to FinSecure’s unique needs and risk tolerance. The step-by-step implementation plan included the migration of non-critical systems to the cloud, testing the waters. Then, gradually moving sensitive operations, always keeping a close eye on security and compliance. The hybrid model meant FinSecure could move at their own pace, never feeling forced into high-risk deployments.

FinSecure’s New Reality: Reaping the Benefits

The transformation was nothing short of revolutionary. Cloud-based IAM changed FinSecure’s security offering a Zero Trust Architecture, significantly reducing the risk of unauthorized access. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) became the norm, not the exception, for both employees and customers.

Single Sign-On (SSO) across all services has made life simpler without compromising security. Customers benefit from a seamless experience, while employees appreciate the reduced friction in their daily tasks.

FinSecure also discovered unexpected benefits, such as a new system’s analytics capabilities providing insights into user behavior, helping them proactively identify and mitigate potential security threats. Compliance audits were streamlined with automated reporting and real-time monitoring.

A case like FinSecure is applicable to similar regulated businesses and shows that the journey to cloud-based IAM doesn’t have to be a leap into the unknown. It can be a calculated process that enhances security, improves user experience, and sets you up for future growth. Neovera, can help you develop the right IAM program to protect against cybersecurity threats. Contact us to learn more about our cyber security managed services, pen testing and vulnerability scanning solutions that are front lines defenses that help to mitigate risk and prevent critical data breaches.